Products / Instrumentation




This book covers all types of instruments found in today’s aeroplanes. Both instrumentation of small, single-engine piston aeroplanes and large, modem jets are covered here.

Main topics are among the following: Pressure Instruments and Air Data Computers, Radio Altimeters, Magnetism and Compasses, Gyro Systems, Inertial Navigation Systems, EFIS, FMS, Engine Instrumentation, Autopilots, Warning and Recording Systems, TCAS, GPWS.

Together with our books "Airframes and Systems", "Powerplant" and "Electrics", the "Instrumentation" book covers the curriculum in the "Aircraft General Knowledge" as required by the EASA ATPL pre 2020 syllabus. The book consists of 370 pages with lots of colourful illustrations.


EASA Syllabus - Edition 8.0 (2020)

SKU: 62605-2020
Price:72,00 €