Products / Flight Planning Helicopter

Flight Planning Helicopter

Flight Planning for Helicopters (EASA)

Together with the books Performance for Helicopters and Mass & Balance for Helicopters, this book covers the EASA Learning Objectives in “Flight Performance and Planning” as stated in the EASA ATPL pre 2020 syllabus for helicopters.


  • 202 pages
  • 17 illustrations
  • 94 questions


Main topics are Flight Planning for VFR Flights, ICAO Flight Plan, Fuel Policy for Helicopter Transport Flights and SEPH, Meteorology for Flight Planning; En-Route Charts; Approach Charts; SID Charts; STAR Charts, TETH, Point of Safe Return and Point of Equal Time for the following helicopters:

- Single Engine Piston (the generic helicopter SEPH)
- Twin Engine Turbine (the generic helicopter TETH)

EASA Syllabus - Edition 2.0 (2020)

SKU: 62885-2020
Price:55,00 €